Jun 19, 2011

UN-Tangled: Part II!

Oh hey there!! Well, a very near & dear friend/sister recently pointed out to me that I never posted the other part of the UN-Tangled blog entry. It has been a LOOONG time, but I didn't forget, I promise! I've just been very busy with staff training, lifeguarding, sessions, meeting campers, etc. But that is no excuse, so I give you, part dos!! =)

4) The Cross Already Cut the Ropes of Entangling Sin!!

I LOVE this point!!! How amazing to know that those strongholds that so easily ensnare us actually have NO power over us! Colossians 2:13-15 says "And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling dthe record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross. He disarmed the rulers and authorities2 and eput them to open shame, by ftriumphing over them in him."

Christ canceled not just the debt we owed, but also every record of the debt! His righteousness was transferred to you when you accepted His gift of salvation, so now it is as if you never sinned.

Sometimes we submit to the bondage of sin without even fighting it. Idk about you, but there are some temptations that Satan doesn't even have to try to hard to tangle me in. Take self-consciousness/envy. All that has to happen for me to get caught up in these sins is to see someone who is prettier/skinnier/more talented than me, & I'm throwing the ropes around myself! Why didn't God make me that way? (Discontentment/exalting myself above God.) I wish I looked like that way (Jealousy). I hope she gets fat someday (bitter envy!!).
Do you see how easily Satan traps a lot of us? We trap ourselves! But with Christ, we don't have to submit to our natural sinful tendencies. They are powerless over us. The chains have been broken by Christ's victory on the Cross!

5) Those Once Untangled can be WELL Entangled Again.

Have you ever thought that you have overcome a sin only to find yourself struggling, or falling again? Then what happens? You get discouraged, major guilt complex, etc! Be careful to guard your heart. Be aware of your weaknesses & keep them in regular prayer! Don't just clean up your life, FILL it with all the fullness of God!

6) A Grudge Can Entangle Us Where We Need Untangled Most.

Bitterness comes with holding a grudge bitterness is poison & can only hurt you. Why do we hold grudges? Someone hurts us...we feel like if we distance ourselves & hold out on forgiving them, then we are getting back at them. The OPPOSITE is true! Whoever or whatever you're holding a grudge against, you are bowed down & tied to! Forgive as Christ has forgiven, & the freedom will be a huge blessing to you. You will come to a deeper understanding & appreciation of God's forgiveness when you come to a situation where you have to forgive someone who never asked for your forgiveness. Someone who honestly does not deserve your forgiveness. Ephesians said that we were all enemies of God; our flesh HATES God. But He still loved us & gave His son to die for us, so that we could be forgiven. Can you not forgive?

I hope that these points give you something to think about this week! Lord willing, I'll be able to carve out some time to post an update on my life as of late, & then soon after I'll finish out this Untangled series with the last 3 points =) Have a great week!